Tuesday, September 2, 2008


"We're so busy watching out for what's
just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are" - Calvin (Calvin
and Hobbes)

I love quotes. I can always seem to find great quotes to help me cope with the situations that I am dealing with. It's always heartwarming to know that there are people in this world who have great ideas about this life and how it is (or should be). Today, that person is Bill Waterson, through the voice of my favorite comic strip character, Calvin.
It seems that nowadays, we, as human beings, are always in a rush. We're always thinking about what we have to do, where we need to be... constantly worrying about our futures. In all of this frenzy, we fail to notice the present! It's as though we have blinders on - we can only look straight ahead. As a junior in high school, this is becoming more and more apparent. The courses you take are "essential" to your career, your life, and your happiness! We are so preoccupied with what seems to be important, that what is around us becomes simply a blur.

For once in our lives, we should stop to take a look around us - absorb the true beauty of what we usually ignore. We should enjoy ourselves more in the present, because it is truly a gift.
Reading a simple quote has really opened my eyes to what I (and the rest of the world) am missing.

1 comment:

A College Girl said...

I couldn't agree more, there is a quote that says something to the effect of there is no present, because once we think about the present it quickly becomes the past and therefore is not so.

I often go through life with blinders on, speeding to get somewhere, always in a rush, especially when I drive, but while I was taking the four hour drive home this past weekend I took the time to enjoy the beauty of the landscape, the sky, the open fields that sweep aross Texas. For that moment I felt like I was living and I stopped speeding down the road at a 90mph. I had no need to get home as quickly as possible, but I speed along anyways. In my yoga class my instructor often quotes that "[Life] is a journey, with no particular destination."

Quotes seem like silly things, but I too can always find one to suit my situation.

Good post.